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Three step routines: A collaborative approach to speaking


A collaborative approach to speaking

This is an approach to speaking in which learners are encouraged to talk reponsibility for the quality of each other’s work.

1 Students work in pairs. Student A will talk about a topic or a question for one minute. It’s up to you (and them!) whether or not this will require advance prep. When student A talks, it’s for a fixed amount of time. Use a timer if you can.

2 When A finishes, student B has to summarise what A said in half the time A took to do the speaking. So if A spoke for one minute, then B now speaks for 30 seconds.

3 When the students have finished, they work together to plan how B should approach their speaking for their turn. This should be based on how A performed during the speaking and on vocabulary they did or didn’t use. This will help B to speak better as a result of collaboration. After finishing this, it’s then B’s turn to talk for the minute.

Read this series on my blog

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