Booking FAQs
You can’t make same-day bookings from my booking page. You can email me to request this but if you do it will use up two of your paid lessons.
Yes. However, if you cancel a lesson on the day of a scheduled lesson, then you will lose it from your package as a penalty. This is because of the inconvenience it causes me.
There are two ways to schedule lessons: 1) we schedule the class at the end of each lesson by looking at my Google calendar and choosing a day and time for the next class or 2) you can do this yourself using my online booking schedule on the schedule page.
Consultation FAQs
To apply for a consultation, please visit the Contact page in my website and send me your information. I will reply to you after seeing your message.
This really depends on our conversation. If you are already very determined to have lessons, a consultation can take as little as 10 minutes. If however, you need more information about my teaching methods and system, the demo can take longer.
In the consultation , I want to talk with you to learn more about your objectives and also show you how my teaching system works. I’m happy to answer any questions you have. If you make the decision to start lessons during the consultation , then I’ll start setting you up as a new student.
Lesson FAQs
No. When you buy lessons, you buy them for yourself. Lessons cannot be shared or given to other people. They willl need to contact me independently to have lessons.
I will use a webcam in lessons if a student wants to use one. If not, I won’t.
Each lesson takes place in a Word document. I will share a Google Drive folder with you before you start studying with me where I will save all your lesson documents. This means you can access all your lesson materials from a shared folder in the cloud. To do this you will need a Gmail email address.
A lesson is 50 minutes.
Payment FAQs
There are two ways to pay for lessons:
- Use your Paypal account and pay on Paypal
- Use your credit card and pay on Paypal
To buy lessons you need to visit the buy page on the website. Look for the lesson package you want to buy and click on the buy now button.
Technical FAQs
You can but I don’t advise it. The reason is I will need to share my computer screen with you in lessons and a phone screen is too small to be able to see the details of the lesson clearly. It is better if you can use a tablet or a laptop or PC.
Connection problems are always possible because we are using the Internet. Generally in my lessons, they work perfectly without interruption. However, if we do have problems the best thing to do will be to restart our computers or modems. This will fix most problems. If a lesson has to be abandoned before the half-way point of a lesson, the lesson will not be counted. However, if the problem happens after the half-way point of a lesson it will be counted as a lost lesson.