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About me

My name is Jonathan and I am a professional classroom and online English teacher from the UK. I’m dedicated to helping English learners worldwide to improve their language skills. I hold a university degree in English, a CELTA, and a PGCE. My students give great feedback, and I’m committed to enhancing their life opportunities.

Free demo

Reach out via my website to schedule a free online demo. In this demo, you’ll see how my lessons work and you can ask any questions you have about my teaching system. We’ll keep talking until you have all the info about my online teaching method that you need. Get in touch now and start your English journey tomorrow!

What you can study

  • Accent reduction
  • Business English
  • Cambridge exams
  • Grammar focus
  • Listening skills
  • Reading skills
  • Speaking skills

Teaching availability

At the moment my teaching availability is weekends only. You can have lessons on Saturday or Sunday between 9am and 8pm.

However, keep an eye out for updates on my availability as it may be likely to change in the future.

The study system

Your English lessons take place on Skype. We can use a webcam in lessons if you want to. Each lesson is 50 minutes long. You will choose what you want to focus on in your lessons. The lessons can focus on General English or specialist English such as exams or interview preparation. You can pay for lessons via Paypal or credit card.

Experience and qualifications

I am a British native speaker with a super clear accent. I have been teaching in the classroom for 29 years and teaching online for 18 years. I am CELTA and PGCE qualified and I am a university graduate with a degree in English. I teach online and in the classroom and I currently work at the leading language school in Cardiff where I live.

Booking system

It’s super easy to book lessons. You just visit the book page and look for the day and time you want to have the lesson and book it. You can also cancel any bookings you have from this page as well!

Payment system

You buy lessons in a package of 5 lessons. The price of 1 lesson is £20 so the total cost of 5 lessons is £100. You may buy a larger package of lessons but there are no discounts available on larger packages.